Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently asked questions

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How long does a project take?

Organizing projects are tailored to fit your specific needs. There is no set time frame on how short or long a certain project may take. There are a myriad of factors at play that determine the time frame of a project such as: amount of items involved, size of the space and other external items needed for long term functionality.

How often do I need to utilize your services?

Professional Organizing services can be utilized as little or much as a client needs. Some services are less intensive, such as follow up coaching. However, just like anything in life we all have seasons of chaos and need to pull on external service providers to help get us back on track. Some may only need a one time visit while others may need to incorporate

Do I need to help the professional Organizer or can I be hands off?

You are welcome to be as involved as you would like in the organizing process. Since it is your personal items that will be being handled it is recommended that you are present or able to be contacted easily for any urgent questions. However, you are welcome to leave the process completely in the hands of your Professional Organizer.

When is the best time to begin a project?

There is really no good time like the present to begin a organizing project. Most people reach out when they have exhausted all other attempts at getting organized on their own. The best time to start will always be when you are ready for a change in your current organizational structure.

What is this going to cost me?

Depending on the service, the overall estimated cost would be anywhere from $100-300 per project for organizing services alone. Additional costs would incur if extra items were needed to make the space sustainable over time.

What are the benefits of hiring a Professional Organizer?

The benefits of hiring a professional organizer are numerous! Disorganization can often cause stress and in some cases lead to depression. Hiring an organizer can help bring order to chaos and alleviate some of the stress caused by disorganization in your home. A Professional Organizer can help you to make hard decisions on keeping or getting rid of items, where it may be hard for friends/family members to help. Finally, an organizer can offer creative solutions to systems of organization that have long been a problem.